Épreuves : events
tournoi feminin :women’s tournament
tournoi masculin : men’s tournament
Installations / matériel : facilities / Equipment
anneau ; cercle :ring
anneau du panier :basket ring
anneau du panier ; cercle du panier rim of the basket
appareil des vingt-quatre secondes : twenty-four device
ballon de basket-ball basketball
bord du panneau :edge of the backboard
bord intérieur des lignes délimitant le terrain inside edge of the boundary lines
bouteille ; raquette ; zone restrictive ; zone de
lancer franc free-throw lane
casier pour ballons : basketball rack
cercle : restraining circle
cercle ; anneau : hoop
cercle de mise en jeu ; cercle central :jump circle ; jumping circle
cercle de mise en jeu ; cercle central :centre circle
chaussure ; basket :boot
chaussure de basket-ball :basketball shoe
chevillère :ankle support
chronomètre de jeu :game clock
chronomètre des :time-out clock ; time-out watch
chronomètre des tires : clock of shuting shuting clock
crochet de filet :net loop
cuissard :undergarment
cyclindre du panier :basket cylinder
demi-cercle :semi-circle
espace libre autour du terrain :unobstructed space outside the playing area
filet :cord
filet du panier :basket net
ligne de fond :baseline
ligne de lancer franc :free throw line ; free-shot line
ligne de terrain :demarcation line
ligne de touche ; ligne latérale :sideline
ligne des trois points three-point line
ligne médiane :ten-second line
ligne médiane :mid-court line
ligne médiane :division line
ligne médiane ; ligne de centre :centre line
ligne médiane prolongée :extended centre line
liste des joueurs inscrits :team list
panier :basket
panier adverse :opponent’s basket
panneau ; tableau de marque : backboard ; board
plaquette des fautes personnelles :marker (to indicate number of fouls)
plaquette numérotée : marker numbered
poteau :support
propre panier :own basket
support de panneau : backboard support
table de marque :minor official’s table
terrain de jeu : court
triangle de rebond : rebound triangle
zone avant ; zone d’attaque : fore court
zone de défense ; zone arrière : backcourt
zone des trois secondes : three-second area
zone du panier à trois points : three-point field goal area
zone neutre : neutral zone
zone restrictive : key hole ; key
zone restrictive : 3-second area ; 3-second lane
zone restrictive : paint
zone restrictive ; zone réservée : restricted area
règlement : arbitrage rules / refereeing
accorder un temps mort : grant a time-out (to)
accrocher l’adversaire : trip an opponent (to)
arbitre de queue : trail official
arbitre de tête : lead official
arrêt de la balle : trapping the ball
arrière :guard
balayeur ; essuyeur floor wiperman
changement de panier change of basket
cinq de départ team line-up
cinq fautes par joueur five fouls by player
cinquième faute fifth foul
composition de l’équipe team roster
contact accidentel :incidental contact
contact accidentel : occasional contact ; occasional touching
contrôle avec les mains : handchecking
début de la partie :start of game
début du temps effectif du jeu ; reprise du temps
de jeu time in
décompter le temps : record the time (to)
défense dure :tough defence
délai de lancer franc : time limit for free throw
délai des cinq secondes :five-second count
délai des vint quatre secondes : twenty for -second count
délais des dix secondes : ten-second count
demande de temps mort :time-out request
demander un changement : request substitution (to)
demander un temps mort : request a time-out (to)
désignation du joueur fautif : designation of the offender
désignation du joueur fautif :signalling of player fouling
deux lancers frncs : two free throws
disposition des joueurs sur le terrain : team line-up
distance de marquage : guarding distance
dix fautes par équipe : ten fouls by team
double dribble :discontinue
double dribble :doubles ; double dribble
double faute : double foul
dribble en l’air :air dribble
dribble irrégulier : illegal dribble
durée limite pour remplacer un joueur : time limit for substitution
écran illégal illegal screening
empiéter la ligne de lancer franc : touch the free-throw line (to)
engagement ; mise en jeu : opening jump ; opening toss
entre-deux : jump ball
équipe arbitrale :refereeing corps
équipe invitée :visiting team
équipe locale : home team
faire un entre-deux : inbound (to)
faute anti-sportive :Unsportsmanlike foul
faute de joueur :player foul
faute d’équipe : team foul
faute disqualifiante : disqualifying foul
faute multiple : multiple foul
faute offensive : offensive foul
Fédération Internationale de Basket-ball (FIBA) International Basketball Federation (FIBA)
FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basket-ball) FIBA (International Basketball Federation)
formation de départ : starting five
hors du terrain out of bounds
imputer un temps mort : charge a time out (to)
infraction à la règle des trois secondes : three-second rule violation
infraction aux règles : rule violation
intervention sur le ballon :goal tending
jouer en gardant la balle :delaying the game
joueur faisant partie du premier cinq : first team player
joueur fautif : offender
lancer (n.) franc : free shot ; free throw ; foul shot
lancer (n.) franc supplémentaire : further free throw
lancers francs multiples : multiple free throws
marcher : travel (to)
marcher : steps
marcher :running
marcher (n.) walking
marcher (n.) travelling
marquage par derrière guard from the rear
marqueur officiel official scorer
match de basket-ball basketball game ; basketball match
match d’entraînement practice match
mauvais contrôle involontaire du ballon fumble
mi-temps period
mi-temps time
moyenne des points goal average
moyenne des points ; goal average point average
obstruction blocking
officiel de la table table official
opérateur de l’appareil des vingt-quatre secondes twenty-four -second clock operator
opérateur des des vingt-quatre secondes ; twenty-four (clock) operator
ordre des matches : game schedule
panier goal
panier à trois points :three-point field goal
panier accordé :awarded basket
panier annulé :disallowed basket
panier refusé cancel score
panier réussi successful basket (shot)
partie perdue par forfait forfeited game
passage en force ; faute personnelle offensive charge
pause : intermission
permutation : switching
perte du ballon (distance) ; loss of the ball (penalty)
phase ascendante : upward flight
phase descendante : downward flight
phase finale : play-off
plaquette (des cinq fautes) :marker (five fouls)
porter (n.) du ballon : carrying of ball
poste en position moyenne : middle post
prolongation : extra period ; extra time
prolongation : overtime ; overtime period
prolonger le jeu : rule overtime (to)
provoquer une faute : charge an opponent (to)
quitter le terrain :leave the court (to)
règle concernant les fautes : rule governing fouls
règle des cinq secondes :five-second rule
règle des dix secondes : ten-second rule
règle des trente secondes : thirty-second rule
règle des trois secondes : three-second rule
règle du marcher : rule governing progressing with the ball
remise en jeu : inbound pass
remise en jeu pass-in
remplacement irrégulier illegal substitution
résultat intermédiaire running score
retenir hold (to)
retour en zone backcourt violation
second arbitre umpire
second lancer franc ; lancer (n.) franc
supplémentaire bonus free throw
signal de fin de jeu signal for the end of the game
signal des vingt-quatres secondes twenty-four second signal
signes des arbitres official’s signals
sortir du terrain go out-of-bounds (to)
suspension breaking off
temps restant à jouer actual playing time
tenir un adversaire ; accrocher un adversaire hold an opponent (to)
tenue du ballon tie ball
tir de champ ; tir extérieur field goal
tirage au sort des paniers toss for baskets
trois dernières minutes last three minutes
trois lancers-francs three free throws
usage illégal des mains illegal use of hands
violation violation
technique / tactique technique / tactics
action de pousser pushing
agitation des mains pour gêner la vision face guarding
ailier droit right forward
ailier gauche left forward
angle de tir ; angle de lancer shooting angle
arracher le ballon snatch the ball out (to)
arrière gauche left guard
arrières guards
attaque d’ailier wing attack
attaque d’une défense de zone offence against zone defence
attaque d’une défense individuelle offence against man-to-man defence
attaque en permutation shuffle
attaque le long de la ligne de fond end out-of-bound play
attaque organisée set-play attack ; set-play offence
attaque organisée set offence
attaque par le centre frontal attack
attaque retardée delayed offence
attaque retardée controlled offence
avancer advance (to)
avancer ; progresser progress (to)
avant ; ailier forward
backdoor backdoor
ballon en jeu ball in play
ballon hors jeu ball out of bounds
ballon mort dead ball
ballon tenu held ball
ballon vivant live ball
basketteur ; basketteuse basketball player
bloquer un lancer block a shot (to)
boîte plus deux ; triangle plus deux box-and-two
centre ; pivot pivot ; pivot man
centre ; poste ; pivot post ; postman
changement de joueur de défense switching
changement de position interchange of position
changer de panier change basket (to)
choix du ballon choice of ball
choix du panier choice of basket
cinq de départ starting line-up
circulation du ballon ball movement
circulation du ballon ball circulation
claquette tap-in (tip-in)
coller à l’adversaire cling to the opponent (to)
combinaison combination play
combinaison à deux two-man play
commissaire technique technical commissioner
contre block shot
contre-attaque breakaway
contre-attaque fast break
contre-attaque de l’ailier wing breakaway
côté fort du ballon front ball side
coup stroke
couverture du ballon on-the-ball-coverage
creuser l’écart increase the lead (to)
croisement de joueurs crossing movement
défense combinée ; défense mixte combination defence ; combined defence
défense flottante floating defence
défense individuelle par harcèlement à partir du
centre half-court man-to-man press defence
défense individuelle par harcèlement tout terrain full-court man-to-man press defence
défense mixte ; défense combinée mixed defence
défenseur guard
démarquer (se) get free (to) ; get in the open (to)
démarquer de l’adversaire (se) get free from the opponent (to)
demi droit right guard
deux points two points
distraire le tireur du lancer franc disconcert the free thrower (to)
double écran double screen
double feinte double fake
double pivot double pivot
dribble à deux mains dribble with both hands simultaneously
dribble avec changement de main dribble with alternating hands
dribble de contrôle control dribble
dribble de renversement spin dribble
dribble de renversement roll dribble
écarter la défense spread the defence (to)
échapper (s’) ; anticiper break away (to)
écran effectué loin du ballon screen away
écran en mouvement running screen
écran extérieur outside screen
écran fixe stationary screen
écran intérieur inside screen
écran mobile moving screen
écran retard block out
effet du ballon ball spin
en route roll
engager put in play (to) ; put into play (to)
équilibre défensif defensive balance
équilibre offensif offensive balance
éviter l’écran avoid the block (to)
exécution du lancer franc free throw
faire le huit figure eight (to)
faire une passe et couper vers le cercle pass and cut (to)
feinte dummy
feinte de ballon ball fake
feinte de corps body fake
feinte de la tête head fake
feinte de tir ; de lancer fake shot
feinter dummy (to)
feinter fake (to)
formation line-up
formation initiale starting five
forme de tir ; forme de lancer shooting form
frapper tap (to) ; tap in (to)
frapper tip (to) ; tip-in (to)
garder le ballon run out the clock (to)
garder le ballon kill the clock (to)
garder le ballon freeze the ball (to)
intercepter le ballon intercept the ball (to)
intercepter le ballon steal the ball (to)
interception steal
intervenir sur le ballon interfere with the ball (to)
jeu à l’extérieur de la raquette outside play
jeu à l’intérieur de la raquette inside play
jeu du pivot centre play
jeu du poste ; jeu du pivot post play
jeu du poste ; pivot pivot play
jeu passif passive play
jouer au basket-ball play basket-ball (to)
joueur (joueuse) de basket basketballer ; basket player
joueur complet all-round player
joueur démarqué unguarded player
joueur marqué guarded player
joueur tirant au panier player making a field goal try
lancer (n.) à deux mains ; tir à deux mains two-hand shot
lancer (n.) franc manqué missed free throw
lancer (n.) franc réussi successful free throw
lancer ; tirer shoot (to)
lancer dans la foulée ; tir en course throw on the run (to)
lancer par le panneau bank shot (to)
ligne de passe passing line
manier le ballon handle the ball (to)
manquer miss (to)
manquer le panier miss the basket (to)
marquage guarding
marquage agressif ; marquage d’homme à homme tight man-to-man
marquage d’homme à homme serré close man-to-man
marquage individuel serré tight man-to-man guarding
marquage serré tight guarding
marquer de près guard close (to)
marquer par derrière guard from the rear (to)
marquer un adversaire guard an opponent (to)
marquer un joueur guard (to)
marquer un panier score (to) ; score a field goal (to)
marquer un panier make a goal (to)
match équilibré ; match serré close match
mauvaise passe misplaced pass
mauvaise réception bad ball handling
meneur de jeu playmaker
mettre en jeu put in play (to) ; put into play (to)
mise en jeu putting the ball into play
montée au panier drive to the basket
monter le ballon drive the ball (to)
mouvement de joueur move
ouverture gap
ouvrir le score ; mener le score take the lead (to)
panier basket
panier annulé goal not made
panier de la victoire winning basket
passe passing
passe à bras roulé ; passe en crochet hook pass
passe à deux mains two-hand pass
passe à deux mains de la poitrine two-hand chest pass
passe à terre bounce pass
passe à une main one-hand pass
passe arrière ; passe en retrait back pass
passe au-dessus de l’épaule over shoulder pass
passe avant lead pass
passe basse low pass
passe dans le dos around-the-back pass
passe dans le dos behind-the-back pass
passe de baseball one-hand baseball pass
passe de baseball baseball pass
passe de dégagement outlet pass
passe de la poitrine chest pass
passe décisive assist
passe écran pass and screen
passe en arrière pass back
passe en avant spot pass
passe en cloche ; passe lobée lob pass ; lob
passe en retrait ; passe arrière drop pass
passe en suspension jump dump pass ; jump pass
passe longue long pass
passe main à main hand-off
passe par-dessus la tête ; passe derrière la tête overhead pass
passe roulée rolled ball
passe transversale cross pass
passe transversale ; passe diagonale diagonal pass
passe-et-va give-and-go
passer au centre pass to the centre (to)
passer de côté pass to the side (to)
passeur passer
pénétration drive
pénétration en force power drive
pénétrer ; avancer drive (to)
percée break
percée derrière le défenseur break behind the defender
percée par le centre centre breakaway
percer ; couper cut (to)
percer ; couper break (to)
percer la défence ; pénétrer penetrate (to)
percer la défense break through (to)
perdre la balle lose the ball (to)
perte de ballon turnover
pied avant front foot
pied d’appel take-off foot
pied de pivot pivot foot
pied libre free foot
pied libre non-pivot foot
pivot ; centre centre
pivot bas low pivot
pivot en avant forward pivot
pivot mi-haut middle post (pivot)
pivoter pivot (to)
position d’attaque offensive set
position de défense defensive set
position des joueurs alignment of players
poste bas low post
prendre l’avantage break a tie (to)
prendre l’avantage resolve a tie (to)
prendre le rebond bounce (to)
prendre un rebond clear the boards (to)
prendre un rebond ; rebondir rebound (to)
prendre une position take a position (to)
préparation du tir setting up of the throw
presser un adversaire pressure an opponent (to)
pression ; harcèlement (pressing) press ; pressing ; pressure
pression sur demi-terrain half-court press
pression tout terrain full-court press
principe de la verticalité principle of verticality
prise à deux ; boîte deux contre un double teaming
progression avec le ballon advancing the ball
progression avec le ballon progressing with the ball
qualifier pour la finale (se) reach the final (to)
rebond défensif defensive rebound
rebond offensif offensive rebound
réceptionnaire receiver
recevoir receive (to)
récupérer le ballon recover the ball (to)
remise en jeu de la ligne de fond baseline throw-in
remise en jeu de la ligne de fond endline throw-in
remise en jeu de la ligne de touche sideline throw-in
repli défensif defensive fallback
repousser la balle kick the ball out (to)
reprise du jeu restart of the game
retenir hold (to)
retour du ballon en arrière over and back
reverse reverse
rotation du jeu game rotation
rouler le ballon roll the ball (to)
sauteur jumper
sens de la balle sense of the ball
sens du tir shot sense
smash jam
smash stuff
smash dunk
smasher stuff (to)
smasher jam (to)
smasher dunk (to)
structure en cercle ; criss-cross criss-cross
suivre sa passe follow the pass (to)
synthèse de jeu tactical system
taper tap (to) ; tap in (to)
technique d’attrapé de balle catching technique
technique de tir throwing technique
temps mort d’équipe charged time-out
tenir le ballon ; garder la balle hold the ball (to)
tentative ; essai try (attempt)
tentative de tir à trois points three-point try (attempt)
tenter un tir de champ try for field goal (to)
tenue du ballon freezing the ball
tir ; lancer (n.) de loin long-distance shot
tir à bras roulé ; tir crochet hook shot
tir à deux mains par-dessus la tête two-hand overhead shot
tir à l’arrêt set shot
tir à mi-distance middle shot
tir à une main one-hand shot
tir au panier ; tentative de tir de champ field goal try
tir avec effet spinned shot
tir avec la planche backboard shot
tir avec le panneau ; tir à l’aide du panneau bank shot
tir contré blocked shot
tir de loin long shot
tir de près short shot
tir de près inside shot
tir direct clean shot
tir direct ; lancer (n.) direct swish shot ; swisher
tir en cloche high arc shot
tir en cloche ; poste haut high shot ; high post
tir en course lay-up
tir en course de près ; tir déposé lay-up shot
tir en déplacement ; tir en course shot on the run
tir en suspension jump shot
tir en vrille ; 360 degrés turnaround jump shot
tir manqué unsuccessful throw
tir par-dessous underhand shot
tir par-dessous à deux mains two-hand underhand shot
tir par-dessus la tête overhead shot
tir réussi goal made
tir réussi successful shot
tirer au panier shoot to the basket (to)
tirer de près inside shot (to)
tirer de près close-in shot (to) ; close range shot (to)
tirer en cloche high shot (to)
tirer en suspension jamp shot (to)
tireur shooter
tireur du lancer franc free thrower
Basketball glossary
Assist: A pass to a team-mate that directly leads to a basket.
Attendance: Number of spectators (sold tickets).
Biggest scoring run: Biggest margin of consecutive points scored by a team without any points from opponent.
Biggest lead: Highest score difference in any moment of the game. For a team who never led, the value of ‘biggest lead’ is 0.
Blocked shot: When the defence deflects or stops a shot attempt with their hand while the ball is still on its upward flight.
Captain: Leader of the team elected by the players or appointed by the coach.
Championships/Olympic Games: The entire event including the opening ceremony, competition,
closing ceremony, official training and other official activities.
Classification of team: Classification of teams shall be made on classification points according to their win-loss records, namely 2 (two) points for each game won, 1 (one) point for each game lost (including lost by default) and 0 (zero) points for a game lost by forfeit.
Closely guarded player: A closely guarded player (within one normal step) who is holding the ball shall pass, shoot, roll, or dribble the ball within five (5) seconds. Infraction of this article is a violation.
Commissioner – Official responsible for supervising the work of the Table Officials and to assist the Referee and Umpire in the smooth functioning of the game.
Competition: The Competition is an event from the start of the first game to the completion of the last game, excluding the opening and closing ceremony.
Defensive rebound: Grabbing the ball from the missed shot attempt by an opponent.
Disqualifying foul: Any flagrantly unsportsman-like infraction.
Double foul: Two opposing players commit fouls against each other at approximately the same time.
Fast break point: Point scored from a very quick counterattack.
Field goal: A basket scored from an action on the playing court except free throws.
Fifth (5th) foul – Player who has committed five (5) either personal and/or technical fouls must automatically leave the game.
Free throw: An opportunity given to a player to score one (1) point, uncontested, from position behind the free throw line and inside the semicircle.
Game lost by forfeit: A team shall lose the game by forfeit if:
1. It refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the Referee.
2. By its actions it prevents the game from being played
3. Fifteen (15) minutes after the starting time, the team is not present or is not able to field five (5) players. The game is awarded to the opponents and score shall be twenty (20) to zero (0).
Game lost by default: A team shall lose a game by default if, during the game, the number of players of that team on the court is less than 2 (two).If the team to which the game is awarded is ahead, the score at the time of the stoppage shall stand, if the team to which game is awarded is not ahead, the score shall be recorded as 2 (two) to 0 (zero) in its favour.
Game: Basketball is played by two teams of five players each. The purpose of each team is to score into the opponent’s basket and to prevent the other team from securing the ball or scoring. The ball may be passed, thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled in any direction, subject to the restrictions laid down. The game is played in four periods of ten minutes each (4 x 10 minutes).
Goal average: Goal average is calculated by division between points scored and points received in order to establish classification.
Injury: A situation when a player is not capable to continue the game due to physical damage.
Jump ball: An action of tossing the ball vertically by the referee between two opposing players to a height greater than either of them would reach in the jump.
Jury of appeal: Official body responsible for deciding in the second instance on appeals against decisions taken by the Technical Committee concerning the approval of game results and penalties imposed. Its verdict cannot be appealed.
Offensive foul: When an offensive player, with or without the ball, makes illegal contact against an opponent. It will be also charged as a turnover to this player.
Offensive rebound: When a player grabs his/her own or a team-mate’s missed shot attempt.
Officials: A Referee and an Umpire assisted by Table Officials (a Timekeeper, a Scorer, an Assistant Scorer and a 24 second Operator).
One (1) point: A goal scored from a free throw.
Overtime: Extra period(s) (lasting 5 minutes each), after the score is tied at the end of fourth period. So many five minute extra periods are played until one team emerges as the winner
Period: A part of the game (4 quarters and overtimes).
Personal foul: Player foul which involves illegal contact with an opposing player, whether the ball is live or dead.
Phase of competition: A phase of competition consists of one or more games. Examples of phases are listed below:
· preliminary round
Player disqualification: A flagrant foul penalised by expulsion from the game.
Playing position: A place of a player ensuing from the team’s arrangement for a specific playing design. The playing positions are:
Points in the paint: Points scored inside the painted (restricted) area.
Points: The sum of the value of scored baskets (free throw, 2 points, 3 points).
Points from turnover: Points scored following a turnover without the clock being stopped.
Referee: The court official.
Scoreboard operator: Official who operates the scoreboard.
Scorekeeper: Official responsible for filling score sheet before and during the game (keeping a record of the names and numbers of players who start the game and all substitutions who enter the game, keeping chronological running summary of points scored, recording personal and technical fouls called on each player, recording technical fouls called on each coach, recording the time-outs charged); indicating the number of fouls committed by each player; indicating the team fouls using team marks.
Second chance points: Points scored from repeated shot (after offensive rebound).
Starting line-ups: Starting line-ups represent the five players of each team which will start the game.
Statistics: Statistics evaluate the performance of the teams and players.
Steal: A defensive action, which causes a turnover by an opponent.
Substitution of player: A change (replacement) of players on the playing court.
Team fouls penalty rule: When the players of a team, in a period of a game (10 minutes), have committed four (4) player fouls (personal and/or technical), all subsequent player personal fouls shall be penalised by two (2) free throws.
Team standings: Placement of the teams according to the result of their game(s).
Technical foul: A deliberate or a repeated infringement of the proper conduct of the game or of the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play. Technical fouls by a player are all player fouls which do not involve contact with an opponent.
Technical Committee Official body responsible for:
Twenty-four (24) second rule: When a player gains control of a live ball on the court, a shot for goal must be attempted by his team within 24 seconds. Infraction of this article is a violation.
Twenty-four (24) second operator: Operator of the twenty-four (24) second clock.
Three (3) second rule While his team is in control of the ball, a player shall not remain for more than three (3) consecutive seconds in the restricted area. Infraction of this article is a violation.
Three (3) points: A goal scored from 3-point field goal area.
Time played: Cumulated time the player is on the court.
Timekeeper: Operator of the game clock.
Timeout: A timeout of one (1) minute shall be charged to a team under the following provisions: one (1) charged timeout may be granted to each team during each period (exception: fourth period when two (2) timeouts may be granted to each team).
Turnover: If the offensive team loses possession of the ball without attempting either a field goal or a free throw.
Two (2) points: A goal scored from 2-point field goal area.
Umpire: The second court official.
Unsportsman-like foul: Personal foul on a player with or without the ball which, in the opinion of the Official, was deliberately committed by the player against an opposing player.
Venue capacity: Number of all spectator seats in a venue, including accreditation restricted seats.
Venue public capacity: Number of spectator seats excluding accreditation restricted seats.
Violation: An infraction of the rules of the game:
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